Why Diets Fail

Comparing gluten-free diets to the fat-free http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/01/13/idUSnHUGdsQR+73+ONE20140113 diet fad

But this adaptation has been shown to happen even in overweight and obese people after loss of as little as 6% to 12% of body weight. And even in cases when weight loss has resulted from moderate energy restriction, with or without physical activity. Fighting the famine reaction If you listen to standard advice from the majority of weight-loss programs, you’ll think the famine reaction and its secret weapon, hunger, will just go away with judicious use of willpower. All you have to do in the meanwhile is ignore how hungry you’re feeling, or try to quash your hunger by filling up with non-starchy vegetables, which are part of the ‘free list’ in most diets because their low calorie and carbohydrate count means you can eat as many of them as you like.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.businessinsider.com/why-diets-fail-2014-3

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Instead, those who really bothered to look beyond the low/no-fat dogma realized that there garcinia cambogia were two major root causes for increased heart issues and diabetes, both related to processed foods, which all the no/low-fat foods were and are. The real culprits include processed fats such as margarine and hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated cooking and salad oils, all of which are essentially toxic and inflammatory. That inflammation has been a major factor for creating cardiovascular problems. Add this to the constantly increasing sugar and high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) dosing of most processed foods, even those that aren’t sweet, and the real sources of obesity, heart disease and diabetes are in full view.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.naturalnews.com/044313_gluten-free_diets_fat-free_fad_processed_foods.html